Friday, March 22, 2013

Challenge Accepted....

51 Animation Exercises: I'm totally going to try this. I will post my updates to this blog/vimeo :D

Fighting Stuff

I am still trying to get a snappy style into the moves, I didn't really get there but you can see some progression from the ninja stuff I did before.
Combat tests and walk cycle from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

Stylized combat test from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

Creature Stuff

Taking a break from the fighting stuff I wanted to do a bunch of tests for learning creature animation:
WIP Creature Test No3 from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

WIP Quadruped test No 2 from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

Chase test WIP from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

Ninja Stuff

So last year I wanted to explore cinematography and all that involves aswell as try to do some action stuff, I roughed out a big shot then polished a section.  The aim was to have a snappy style but after years of realistic animation I struggled to push it. Something that I learnt todo later.
I polished one scene from my blocking:
Ninja Fight Part 1... from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

The Rough Blocking:
Ninja - Rough Blocking Test from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

Old Stuff

Just for fun way back in 2011:
Heist from Warren Goff on Vimeo.
Crysis 2 Stalker Run Test:
Stalker Run from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

IAnimate Workshop 4 - Acting

This course really pushed me out of my comfort zone but it was well worth it!
 Assignment 1:
iAnimate WS4 Assignment 1 Final from Warren Goff on Vimeo.
Assignment 2:
iAnimate WS4 Assignment 2 from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

IAnimate WorkShop 2 - Advanced Body Mechanics

I did Workshop 2 of iAnimate back in 2011 and of the 4 shots I started on the course I managed to finish 2: Assignment 4:

iAnimate WS2 Assignment 4 from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

Assignment 3:

iAnimate WS2 Assignment 3 from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

And just to show you the WIP of Assignment 1:

iAnimate WS2 Assignment 1 - WIP from Warren Goff on Vimeo.

It was an amazing learning experience for me and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to push there skills!

Crysis2 Reel

Crysis2 Reel from Warren Goff on Vimeo.
This is a few years old now but it still means alot to me as it was my first title!

Blink and you missed it

Where the hell did 3 years go? Well I started a new blog, then let that one die. So back to this one, I am going to try to re-post the stuff from the other blog then start adding new content. Anyway, watch this space!(Again)